Wilson St. Parking Garage
Guelph, Ontario
This 6 storey, 496 space parking garage is a net zero energy building with more than 500 solar panels on the roof. The building features bicycle parking, electric vehicle charging stations, and the latest accessibility and user safety requirements. The parkade can depend entirely on renewable energy sources to power the lights, security, parking access and revenue control equipment.
The building used Newton Groups’ lightweight, prefabricated ‘Canadacar’ parking structure system with a traditional brick exterior finish. The system proved to be cost efficient, provided a reduced construction time, and greater flexibility.
Project Data:
Project Type: New Construction
Gross Floor Area: 153,900 s.f.
Construction Budget: $21 million
Delivery: Design-Build
Status: Completed October 2019
Awards: OPWA Project of the Year 2019, CPA Innovation in Parking 2019